Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Breakup Letter

Dear unsuspected love, perfected reasoning leads me to this course of action. My heart, no longer active. My body no longer craves our activity's, finding myself craving time apart from a suffocating apartment. Making dinner trips to refill my oxygen, lacking the hunger to make this union plentiful so I put us through this painful fasting. Never wanting to hurt you, so I pull the fading adhesive of this band-aid holding us together off, so we can heal faster. Not feeling the heartfelt logic in this, only feeling the tears trickling down. Your emotions only tickle your perception of reality so you hold on while the rift goes wider, saying this is just an simple tiff that can be resolved but this measure wouldn't even be passed by Congress. Pressing for my humanity to be bought forth into law but I pull rank and put a veto forth before this issue is pressed. Can't feel pressure to ease your broken heart with broken promises, so I let your aorta heal itself by way of a doctors order and by way of my prescription, I finish my script and take my leave.

Duce Wayne.


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