Friday, January 15, 2010


Forever in a day, I am willing to rewrite the course of events in my life to find my way into your embrace, any outcome of change is worth it because without you there is nothing but an empty cold stay in my heart, your form a lasting stay in my mental hotel, tempting fate for a permanent stay with both your physical and metaphysical. Rebelling against a life without you in it but giving you my devotion as I dream of drinking love potion off of your lips, dreaming of making love under a radiating star. Hoping for a way to restart time for a chance of capitalizing that L word and to hold you in my arms to give your mind, body and soul an exclamation point, holding on to that point in time and space with an single transatlantic kiss, worlds apart but always in an lustrous reflection giving me a momentous tease of a world with you, finding it preposterous in weaker moments but those moments become deeper in thought as I weigh what you mean to me and I make the world part to be with you. Forever in a day, I choose you.


Anonymous said...

lovely poem.

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