The sound of the water droplets hitting the ground, echo’s through out the empty warehouse. Sonny, Xander and two other of Sonny’s enforcers surround a beaten man tied to a chair in the middle of the warehouse, holding his father favorite weapon, a silver magnum .4” revolver. Xander standing by his side making sure that no surprises arise while they continue to question the man who is a known drug dealer that has ties to the Queen family.
“This would go a lot better if you just told us what we need to know.” Sonny says.
“Go to hell, LeBeau.” The man says with a trembling voice.
“The Queen family doesn’t give a damn about you.”
“They care enough to kill me if I talk to you.”
“No matter what happens, the Queen family will be put out of business and that means so will you and your friends, so just talk and you will make it out of this alive.”
“You think that you are so much better than me, think that you can clean up the city and run it, that is bullshit and you know it. You are a criminal just like me and just because you think you are doing these things to make a better world, your motives are still criminal.”
“Guess you have been excelling in your English night classes but get this straight, I am a criminal and I will put a bullet in your head if I deem it necessary, because you are a piece of shit that sells drugs to kids and like your other co-workers who I put out of business, you have a choice to tell me what you know and we will make sure that you are safe from the Queen’s.
“You think that I am dumb enough to tell you anything, I know what you have done to the others.”
“You mean, give them a certain amount of money to give up selling drugs and disappear somewhere in the world, I don’t make it my business to kill people unless I have to.”
“So if I don’t tell you anything you are going to kill me, right?”
“Wrong, I will make sure that the Queen’s know that you were my guest for a short period and I will let them decide what to do with you.”
The sweat drips from his brow down to his chin, he looks at Sonny and see’s a stone emotionless face staring at him and waiting for an answer, looking into Sonny’s dark brown eyes, seeing the immense strength in them and realizing that he will not stop till he gets what he wants.
“I don’t know much but all I know is that the next shipment is coming in the next two days and its coming in somewhere near hob’s bay,”
“The coast guard swarms that whole area at night, how the hell would they get a shipment of drugs through?”
“I don’t know, you will have to take that up with the coast guard and the Queen’s.”
Sonny and Xander walk away from the interrogation to a secure corner of the warehouse, looking at each other trying to figure out a way how the shipments can get in the city.”
“They had to pay off someone from the coast guard.” Xander says.
“Yeah but that place has been known for drug running, they would have to had pay off all of the coast guard that are placed in that area.”
“Think that they wouldn’t?”
“True but it seems a little over kill, even for the Queen’s, what do you think Xander?
“There has to be an area of the bay that they are bringing the shipment in, I will take a speedboat out with a team and see what we can find out.”
“Ok, no matter what, that shipment has to be destroyed. It will cripple the Queen’s for a short while and then we can take them out.”
“On it but there is another way that we can get some more information.”
“Stephanie Canon.”
“No! Absolutely not!”
“Still bitter that she scam you?”
“She didn’t scam me, she just---
“Scammed you, she knows a lot about what happens in the town and she can help.”
“Fine, see what you can get from her.”
“You know that she will only talk to you, Sonny.”
“Fine, I will get in contact with her.”
“I will get my computer expert to see if there are any irregularities involving hob’s bay, what about him?”
“Treat him like the others; send someone to follow him till he leaves the city.”
Sonny has his driver take him to an underground poker club located in underground portion of the second street library on the west side of town, walking to the back entrance, knocking on the door five times, the lookout opens the door and Sonny walks in. Traveling through the dimly long hallway till he enters the blazing lighted tournament room, dozen of tables with more than an dozen players gambling their life savings away, walking to the back room where the best players gather at, many of the players know who Sonny is and have a star struck look on their face as he travels down the line.
Entering the room, seeing the table of average looking men and women around the table but he stops the search when he see’s the beautiful light skinned, short chestnut hair, light brown eyes, classic beauty. Sitting at the end of the table, she looks at Sonny as he enters the room, her face never shows any emotion as she places her cards on the table and everyone else groans in disappointment, taking all of her winnings and leaving the table. Stephanie Canon, on of the worlds best thief, con artist and gambler, able to get a man to give up all of his worldly goods without any use of skin.
“It has been a long time, Sonny.” Stephanie says as she walks up to him and stares into his eyes.
“I see that you are still up to your old tricks.”
“Still mad I beat you and won your money.”
“Yeah…you won my money.” Sonny says in a sarcastic tone.
“So, did you come here for a rematch?”
“No… I need your help with something.”
“Oh really, this should be fun. So what can I help you with?”
“We should talk outside.”
“Ok, not going to have me whack are you.” Stephanie says in a little seductive tone. The two head out of the back entrance, Sonny checks her body out as she puts her winnings in her black motorcycle jacket, even though he doesn’t like her, she is a very tantalizing woman to him. “So what’s up, Sonny?”
“I am about to take out a drug shipment that belongs to the Queen family, it’s coming in through hob’s bay but that place is swarmed with coast guards at night, do you know how they might be getting it through?”
“You do know that I am neutral in this whole mob war between the LeBeau organization and the Queen’s.”
“Yes I might have heard that but I am trying to take drugs out of this city, taking out this shipment could leave the town clean for a couple of months.”
“That’s a very good thing, but one of the main reasons I have stayed alive in this mob town is that I am neutral and I keep my activities to myself, I have worked hard to stay neutral and I want to keep it that way.”
“No one will know that I got the info from you, I give you my word.”
“So you are really dead set to take out drugs and the Queen’s aren’t you?”
“But you are still using mob tactics to do all of these good things aren’t you?”
“Yes, doing something like this and trying to do it within the spectrum of the laws, would take to long but I have the power now to take them out.”
“Ever heard that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
“Yeah but I am prepare to deal with whatever happens after I burn the Queen’s organization to the ground, you know that you want to see them gone so help me.”
“I will become a target.”
“I will protect you.”
“Really…I thought that you hated me?”
“Maybe that was a premature feeling.”
“I might have some information for you, maybe instead of worrying about water; you should look up in the sky.”
“A plane… makes a lot of sense, thanks I owe you.”
“I know you do and thanks why I want in.”
“In what?”
“Your organization.”
“I thought you were neutral and that I am basically on my way to hell.”
“Maybe I am getting tired of being neutral and I think this road you are on is going to be a fun ride.”
“You are up to something aren’t you?”
“Yes but the destruction of the Queen’s isn’t going to be easy and you will need my help.”
“What’s the price?”
“I’m sure we can work something out.” Kissing Sonny on the cheek as she slips a piece of paper with her number in his suit jacket pocket. “Call me, sugar.”
Stephanie leaves and Sonny calls Xander, letting him know the information that he got from Stephanie, making his way back to the limo but he see’s Antoinette across the street. Walking across but making sure that she is alone, feeling it’s a shame that he has to do that when he goes to see a woman he loves.
“Still following me, Antoinette?”
“It’s my job for right now, so Stephanie Canon didn’t know you were going that low.”
“Jealous is not a good look for you.”
“Who says I am jealous?”
“You wish, Sonny.”
“I am not in the mood for this back and forth with you, is there something that you wanted?”
Antoinette looks at Sonny with an uncertainly, grabbing him and kissing him like this is the last moment that she will ever see him, the motion of their lips is epic to those looking at them but Sonny pulls away slowly, Antoinette looks surprise because Sonny never pulled away from her and she wonders if what she saw between Sonny and Stephanie has something to do with that.
“I’m not one of your play things; you can’t have me whenever you want me.”
“Well this is a change, what brought this new altitude change?”
“If you just want to ask if I am with someone else, just do it.”
“I couldn’t care less if you were.”
“Guess you finally let the power go to your head, my world doesn’t revolve around you.”
“Didn’t expect it to since I was never in it, like I said I don’t have time for this back and forth, I have business that I have to take care of.”
“So it’s just only going to be business between us?”
“Just the way you always wanted it to be, darling.”
“You do know what that means right?”
“We will have to cross that bridge when we get there.”
“If we do, I will kill you.”
“We will see, Antoinette.”
“Xander won’t be able to protect you, I always complete my mission.”
“This has been enlightening but like I said I have business that I have to attend to, so I hope that you will have a good day, Antoinette.”
“You too, Sonny.”
Going back to the limo, as he enters and looks out of the tinted window, he see’s a glimmer of hurt in Antoinette’s eyes, wanted to go to her but at that moment, that coldness that she carries in her, covers her and he knows that his place
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- Duce Wayne
- Chicago, IL, United States
- Hello ladies and Gentlemen, I am Duce Wayne, author, poet and just all around cool young man. I live in the beautiful but dangerous city of chicago, in my 20's and just looking to change the world and become very successful in my craft.
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