The sound of expensive high heels walking across the glossy marble floor resonates through out the Crawford tower, located in the center of the town, its one of the most expensive and luxury hotels in the town. The workers stare at her as she walks to the elevator, enjoying the attention as she reaches the reflected elevator door. Studying herself in the mirror, fixing her long black hair, applying lip gloss to her luscious lips and brushing some dust off her light coffee skin, checking her body that she workouts out five days a week for. Enjoying the slight vanity she is presenting, the door opens and she goes up to her office, walking through the door of Marjorie Crawford‘s office and she seeing her brother Stefan sitting in her chair.
“Last time I checked this isn’t Stefan’s office.”
“Good morning to you too.”
“What’s up? I thought you were still on vacation?”
“Had some business come up, so I had to come back a little bit early.”
“This doesn’t sound good.”
“Sonny LeBeau has taken over his father’s organization and has been making a lot of big changes.”
“Haven’t heard of him, when did this happen?”
“About a week and a half ago, his father had him sent away after his mother was killed.”
“So is he going to bring drugs and guns into the city, sounds like something dad is going to love to hear.” Marjorie says in a highly sarcastic tone.
“Actually he is going to stop drugs and violence in the city.”
“Yes, he has been knocking off low level drug dealers and their supplier’s.”
“Wait I heard something in the news about a local crack supplier’s stash mysteriously going up in flames, also he vanish in thin air.”
“Yup that's him and his enforcer, Alexander Banks.”
“So he is cleaning up the streets using mob tactics that is kind of ambitious if it wasn’t illegal but what does that have to do with you, I hope you are not still in the drug game?”
“No I’m not but I have some business dealings with the Queen family and they are on his list to take out.”
“Why would you do business with a mob family and they are the worst of the worst!”
“Power, Marjorie.”
“What did you do to get in their good graces?”
“I killed Dominic LeBeau.
“YOU WHAT!” Looking out the window as her employees quickly turn their attention back to their work, sitting down in a nearby chair as she tries to make sense of what her brother just told her, Stefan has always been attracted to power and that attraction has landed him in trouble and with this new admission, he is going to be in more trouble than ever before and this put a fear in Marjorie’s heart. “Do you have any idea of what you have started Stefan?”
“I have everything planned out; there is no need to worry.”
“How did you kill him?”
“I poisoned him and I did to get in good with the Queen’s, I will gain enough power to take control of the city, I will push dad out and take down the mob.”
“I know dad hasn’t been the best father in the world but this is not the way to get what you want, besides you killed a man and what if his son finds out, he will kill you.”
“Like I said, I have everything planned out and if something goes wrong I know exactly how to deal with it.”
“What the hell has happen to you, Stefan?”
“Just going after the things that I want, we all can’t be dad’s favorite.”
Stefan gets up and kisses his sister on top of her head and leaves, he knows that his sister won’t snitch on him but he knows that she is the only one in the family that does love him and that she will try and find her own way to save him from himself.
Marjorie sits in her chair but before she takes a much need breathe, her phone rings and the caller I.D. shows that it is Michael Crawford, her father. Picking up the phone, he tells her to come to his office in a stern and aggravated voice, hanging up the phone and knowing that this is not going to be good. She enters the elevator and heading to the top floor to her father’s office, entering through the doors of the massive and extravagant office as she sees her father getting his haircut behind his desk, the barber finishes up the light fade and packs up his tools, leaving as Marjorie walks to the desk. Michael puts his suit jacket back on as he stares at Marjorie in a menacing way, beginning to wonder if he knows what her brother has been up to, keeping her poker face intact as she waits for him to say the first word. Staring at her father, who could pass for a man in his thirties instead of a man in his fifties, light grayed hair with an basketball players height and physicality, wondering if she can keep the truth away from her father to protect Stefan, her father is the most politically powerful man in the town. A lot of people fear him and always want to be on his good side, Marjorie knows that he has always had a soft spot for her, daddy’s little girl always and that has even put a strain on her and Stefan’s relationship. Knowing that she will have to keep her brother’s secret because her brother and father have never had a close relationship, it even seems at times that her father hates Stefan and if he found out what Stefan has done, god knows what he will do to him.
“Know why I called you up here?” Michael says.
“No, what’s up dad?”
“I found out information that a mob war is beginning to brew.”
“Between the Queen’s and the LeBeau organization, I thought since Dominic LeBeau died, his organization would fall apart?”
“I was hoping for that but his son has come back to city and has taken over, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that he will take out the Queen’s for control.”
“What are you going to do?”
“I have had meetings with the mayor and the chief of police, they are creating a task force to take down both families but I had something else in mind.”
“Like what?”
“In times like this, just arresting them won’t make a bit of difference, these type of people know only one thing and that’s violence, so if you obliterate all of them, there is no way they can still harm this town and its people.”
“Dad you are talking about murder, you have too much to lose if you go through with this.”
“Our family has done a lot to make sure that this town is safe for the people to live in, even when our family had no money, we have always been there for the city and this war between these families has hurt and killed a lot of innocent people, its time that it stops.”
Even as Marjorie listen’s to her father, she feels that something is behind his words, he sounds like a true politician and he and Stefan have a lot in common. Both of them are willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals, including murder.
“You have already made up your mind about this, haven’t you?”
“Nothing I do will make it back to our family, especially you.” Michael says as he places his hands on his daughter’s shoulders and gives her a kiss on the forehead.
“You didn’t have to tell me this, so why did you want me to know?”
“I need you to keep your brother in check, he can not do anything to cause problems for the family anymore, especially when this plan goes into action, can you do that?”
“Yeah I can.” Marjorie says with all her uncertainly about that request but her father can’t see what really has happen, his own son jumped started a mob war.
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010
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- Duce Wayne
- Chicago, IL, United States
- Hello ladies and Gentlemen, I am Duce Wayne, author, poet and just all around cool young man. I live in the beautiful but dangerous city of chicago, in my 20's and just looking to change the world and become very successful in my craft.
I love this new chapter! Awaiting more & GREAT work!!!!!!
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