Xander hangs up his cell after receiving the information from Sonny, exiting out of the balcony back into his apartment, where his computer expert, Carly Free on her laptop trying to find if any aircraft has any flight plans that revolve around hob’s bay. He knows that the he and Sonny are getting closer to taking down the Queen’s. Beginning to worry now because soon the Queen organization will feel that too and they will begin to strike back. Keeping the secret that he and Free are a couple because he doesn’t want her to get hurt because of the life that he lives. Staring at her soft chocolate skin, she brushes back her long dark hair and fixes her glasses as she stares at the screen, even though she is petite and a girly girl, Xander knows that she is strong as he is but he loves her more than life itself and would die to protect her.
“You know today was suppose to be our trip to Jamaica.” Free says.
“I know and I am sorry but---
“I understand, Dominic was like a father to you and I would be doing the same thing.”
“You know if I could get inside the Queen’s mansion, I could hack in and get the information that you and Sonny need.”
“It’s too dangerous and I won’t risk your life in this, besides no one knows that you work for me and I want to keep it that way.”
“They also don’t know that we are together, want to keep it that way also?”
“You know it’s safer if no one knows that we are together, especially since we are trying to take down the Queen’s.”
“I know.” Free says with a small amount of sadness in her voice and heart.
“Have you found anything yet?”
“There has been no flight plan schedule around hob’s bay.”
“Sonny might be right, they are paying the coast guard or at least a few of them off, so nothing will be seen or reported.”
“What are you going to do?”
“See for myself what is going on and take it from there.”
“Ok but I did find something else out, while I was doing some background searches on some of the coast guards officers.”
“What did you find out?”
“A tiny but traceable paper trail that leads back to Stefan Crawford, a deposit of five thousand dollars was made into one of the officers bank account, this paper trail was made to lead back to him.”
“You think that someone is setting him up to take a fall just in case someone makes the connection.”
“But why is the question.”
“Think he is involved with the Queen’s?”
“The son of the most political powerful man in the town in bed with a mob family,
that’s a time bomb waiting to happen.”
“I can do some digging on this, if you need me to?”
“Not yet, I am going to have some one keep an eye on him and see what he is up to.”
“Ok, so what do you want to do in the mean time?” Free asks as she walks over to Xander and put her arms around him.
“Seems like you already have an idea on what to do.”
Xander kisses Free slowly, with her chest press up against his, Xander feels her rapid heartbeat and begins to kiss her collarbone, biting her lip in ecstasy as he kisses her chest and makes his way down, lifting her shirt up and kissing her stomach. Undoing her belt and dropping her pants, she kicks them off as Xander kisses the small of her back and slides his tongue gently up her back till he reaches the back of her neck, messaging her neck with passionate kisses, Free, moaning in intense pleasure but Xander’s phone begins to ring, he looks at it and its Sonny.
“Don’t pick it up.” Free says out of breath.
“Sorry love.” Xander says as he takes the call and finds out from Sonny that the shipment drop has been moved up to tonight.
“What is it?” Free ask.
“The shipment is arriving tonight; sorry I have to head over there and get set up.”
“Ok… be careful!”
The clouds part as the full moon hangs powerful in the sky, the cool night air flows through Xander’s face as the speed boat he is on, takes him to the area of where the drop is suppose to take place. The driver stops the boat far enough so that it is not in the sights of the coast guard, grabbing a pair of night vision goggles from his large duffle bag, Xander puts them on and looks into clear sky. The driver signals Xander that something is going on where the coast guard is station at, looking over he see’s that one of the men on the lead boat shoots a flare into the sky away from his boat.
Hearing the faint sound of a propeller behind him, looking back and seeing the small airplane coming his way. Reaching in his duffle bag again, pulling out a rocket launcher and quickly gets his feet planted, getting his sights set and waiting for the right moment, the rocket explodes out in thunderous fashion, flying straight at the plane with destructive intent, the pilot doesn’t see it coming till its too late and the plane explodes, lighting the sky and catching everyone’s attention but the driver has already left the scene.
Arriving back at the LeBeau mansion, Xander meets Sonny in his office, as he walks in, seeing Sonny reading a letter that has given him a perplexed face.
“Shipments been taken out.” Xander says.
“Good.” Sonny says distracted.
“What’s the letter about?”
“It seems that I have been invited to a party at the Crawford towers.”
“The Crawford’s invited you to their annual sky light ball but why?”
“I don‘t know.”
“Sounds like a trap.”
“But why would they want to do that for?”
“I got to tell you something, Free and I found out some information about the shipment.”
“Free, found a paper trail that leads back to Stefan Crawford, showing that he paid off a member of the coast guard.”
“So Stefan is helping the Queen’s.”
“The paper is trail is small but according to Free, it looks like that it might have been planted to be found if there was a reason to go through those files.”
“This is getting more complicated, so looks like that Stefan is the fall guy if anything goes wrong with delivery of the shipment.”
“Which it did.”
“This invitation doesn’t seem right.”
“I agree.”
“But we should go anyway.”
“Something is up with this family and it looks like they are bed with Queen’s, I want to know how deep they are in.”
“You going to need backup just incase, I’m going too.”
“Knew you would.”
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- Duce Wayne
- Chicago, IL, United States
- Hello ladies and Gentlemen, I am Duce Wayne, author, poet and just all around cool young man. I live in the beautiful but dangerous city of chicago, in my 20's and just looking to change the world and become very successful in my craft.
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