Duce Wayne
It has been five years since, Sonny LeBeau has been in the town of Allure and five years since he has seen his father, returning to the town to visit his father’s grave was not the way that he wanted to come back. His father wanted to shelter him from his lifestyle but Sonny always knew, he always knew that his father led one of the most powerful crime organizations in the town and was a very feared man. He never saw that side of his father, mainly because he was sent to live down south for his safety when his mother was killed when he was ten.
When Sonny was eighteen, he returned to the town to see his father, truly learning of his father business on this return and understanding why he was sent away and giving him and his father, peace in their strained relationship. Now after traveling the world for those missing years, Sonny finds himself on his family’s private plane, heading back to his home to visit his fathers grave. Holding in the grief for the entire flight but as the plane gets closer to the town, it begins to set in and Sonny heads to the bathroom, splashing the cool water on his face and remembers that the last time he was looking in the mirror on his back to the town, he was a scrawny, no facial hair, giant afro, black teenager but now he is muscular, goatee having, crisp fade always, black man.
The coolness of the water freezes the explosion of grief that he was feeling a minute ago, the announcement from the pilot, that the plane has reached its destination, prompts him to put his game face on and return to his seat, the plane lands and circles the runway. Looking out of the window, Sonny sees the limo waiting for him and takes a deep breath, exiting out of the plane, the limo doors open and a burly white man exits out, a second man soon exits out after him. Tall, same hair style and complexion as Sonny, with an athletic build, a pencil thin beard and dressed in a tailored business suit with a pair of dark aviator sunglass on his face. Looking closer at the man and realizing that it is his best friend, Alexander Banks but everybody calls him Xander.
Xander, three years older than Sonny and was taken in by Sonny’s father, after his parents, who were his close friends were killed in a car accident. Xander always looked after Sonny and treated him like his little brother. Indebted to Sonny’s father for all that he has done for him, Xander became his protector and number one enforcer. The two walk up to each other and give each other a hug.
“Well I see that you have been lifting the weights.” Xander says.
“You know I got to out do you.” Sonny says laughing.
“Keep trying… how you doing?”
“I’m surviving, how are you handling everything?”
“I’m good, just trying to handle the organization, it has been crazy as hell and everyone trying to take control, has been making things more difficult.”
“You don’t have to worry about that much longer.” The two enter the car and it heads off to the LeBeau mansion. “I am going to take over the organization.”
Chapter Two
Taking the Throne
“What!?” Xander says with enough shock in his voice to electrocute someone.
“I was thinking about something before I got on the plane and I know you have been thinking about it too.”
“The way your father died, doesn’t make sense?”
“A heart attack, that man exercised more than we do and he always watched what he ate; it doesn’t sound or feel right.”
“I agree and I wanted to show you this.”
Xander gives Sonny an vanilla envelop, he opens it and pulls out a lab report from the medical examiner, it states that there was a small amount of cyanide in the blood stream but in the submitted report that result was missing. “It seems someone was urged to leave that out of the report but I encourage them to give me that part of the report.”
“Who paid them off?”
“The money was traced to someone in the Queen family.”
“They killed my dad, so that means I will burn their entire family down till there is nothing left.” Sonny says with darkness in his voice that even puts a chill down Xander’s back. Everyone has always tried to keep Sonny away from the criminal life and keep him innocent, but the years that Sonny has spent away from his family, he has seen the evil’s that are presented in the world and he was no longer innocent.
“You sure that you could handle taking over the organization and doing killing the Queen‘s, this could lead to a full scale war and not to mention the cops are going to be watching us.”
“I’m not the same person I used to be and the cops wouldn’t give an damn if we told them what really happen to my father, it’s up to us to bring him justice.”
“Sound just like him, I got your back through this.”
“I know, figure that you would be trying to talk me out of this?”
“How do you talk a son out of bringing his father’s killers to justice, you can’t so I am going to make sure that you don’t get yourself killed.”
“So I’m assuming that you have a plan?”
“Still working it but you will be the first to know.”
The limo reaches the mansion’s, both men look out of the windows and see the row of other luxury cars that are outside of the mansion. As the limo pulls into the driveway and the men exit out, Sonny takes a deep breath and readies himself because he knows, in order to take control of this organization he has to bring order to it first. Going through the front door and looking at the massiveness of the inside, the sheer luxury of every item inside. Walking into the living room and seeing the five lieutenants in his father’s organization, greeting each one with a hand shake and hug, each of them showing their respect and condolences. Sonny walks to his fathers desk at the far end of the room, sliding his finger across it and somehow feeling his father’s presence, taking a second to remember and enjoy those few memories, looking up at the lieutenants, Sonny ends that second and gets on to business.
“I know you all came to pay your respects and I thank for you that, my father trusted and had great respect for all of you, I share that respect and I know some of you haven’t seen me sense I was a child but I am not a child anymore. My father never wanted me to be apart of this life and I know that you want the same for your own children but there has been evidence that my father was poisoned by someone in the Queen family.”
As the sounds of shock and anger begin to fill the room, Sonny quiets the room with the yelled word of “Gentleman!” The men turn there attention back to Sonny. “I know what you all are thinking about, payback and I want the same thing…I want to take my father’s place as leader of this organization.”
Looking at the faces of the unsure men, Xander looks at Sonny, whose face shows the characteristics of a leader, he doesn’t let the disapproval looks of the lieutenants get to him, he stands strong and stands tall.
“No disrespect but what makes you think that you can lead this organization?” says James, the oldest of them and who reminded Sonny of his father except he was darker, bald and less fit.
“My father once told me that all of you were trying to secure a very rare diamond, a diamond worth five million dollars, am I right?”
“Yes.” James says.
“I spent some time in Cuba, where the diamond was last located and I secured it for this organization before I headed back here, I had my doubts about how my father died and I began to make plans to get to the truth and deal with whatever I found out.”
Sonny pulls a sparkling diamond the size of a man’s fist from out of his jacket pocket and sits it on the table. “I am not trying to buy my way in but I am showing that I can get things done and do what is necessary for this organization to succeed.”
“What are you plans for the organization?”
“To rule the city, to take down the Queen family, like my father wanted but just in a different way.”
“What way is that?’
“Stopping the flow of drug that comes into city, crushing the Queen’s business interest in the city and set up some legal businesses to help the city.”
“Sounds like you want us to go legit?”
“We can never fully be legit because there are something’s that must be handle with a certain approach that is not legal, we can do things to help instead of always doing things that hurt.”
“You know this will cause some backlash to those in the town whose main source of revenue are drugs.”
“My father never wanted this organization to deal in the drug game and it hasn’t, this is our town and it has been riddled with corruption from politicians and crippled by drugs, we can changed that and do something great with the power that we have, we do it our way and by our own rules. We are already dubbed outlaws and criminals by those who control the town but they are the ones who are truly the criminals, so how about we take control from them and make this town ours?”
The lieutenants gather around each other and begin a discussion, Xander walks over to Sonny, not saying a word to each other but just waiting for the decision from the lieutenants. Its only takes a few moments for them to come to a decision. James walks to the front of the table and extends his hand over to Sonny, symbolizing that he is shaking hands to the new leader of the LeBeau organization and he has the full support of the lieutenants, Sonny shakes his hand and without a word being said, he begins his plan.
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Thursday, December 10, 2009
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- Duce Wayne
- Chicago, IL, United States
- Hello ladies and Gentlemen, I am Duce Wayne, author, poet and just all around cool young man. I live in the beautiful but dangerous city of chicago, in my 20's and just looking to change the world and become very successful in my craft.
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