She sits at the end of the bed
Our issues are apparent on her face,
Face to face communication she longs for
As I long to ease her pain
A simple three worded phase won’t cure,
Looking into my eyes for a cure from her tears
Moisture from my lips placed on a single cell of her skin
Easing for a single second her discomfort
Fingers inter-locking for protecting and comfort,
Looking for me to be more than a lover
As she rests her heart a pond mines
But it stops as my mind out races it
Looking for a slow pace away
To show her a way to what she deserve
Cause what we have can’t be preserve,
Afraid to walk as feet become rooted
A heartbroken language is rooted between her lips
She kisses tightly to see if there are familiar feelings
In a failing heart but our time is flat lining,
So I have to say goodbye as she sits in the bed flat lining
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Welcome to the bakery folks, this is where you will recieve those tasty treats of poetry by yours truly, Duce Wayne.You can also catch some of my poetry on and follow me on twitter @ducewayne,trust me you won't be disappointed.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Daily Desire.
Southern Skies in my line of hunger
Wanting the whole world on a plate
Should be taking a slice of humble pie
Just for a so called reality check
But I put reality in coat check
For it holds me back
So I won’t be keeping the ticket
When its time to leave the building
Using time's clock hands for toothpicks
Recycling it for the health benefits
So I can become a black iron man
With all those hi-tech benefits
Posting up, hi-tech post it’s with technical precision
So I can precisely officiate the world
As the strictly hunger for greatness becomes official
As that southern bell rings and I reap those benefits.
Wanting the whole world on a plate
Should be taking a slice of humble pie
Just for a so called reality check
But I put reality in coat check
For it holds me back
So I won’t be keeping the ticket
When its time to leave the building
Using time's clock hands for toothpicks
Recycling it for the health benefits
So I can become a black iron man
With all those hi-tech benefits
Posting up, hi-tech post it’s with technical precision
So I can precisely officiate the world
As the strictly hunger for greatness becomes official
As that southern bell rings and I reap those benefits.
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About Me

- Duce Wayne
- Chicago, IL, United States
- Hello ladies and Gentlemen, I am Duce Wayne, author, poet and just all around cool young man. I live in the beautiful but dangerous city of chicago, in my 20's and just looking to change the world and become very successful in my craft.